Hip surgery, Joint replacement surgery, Joint preservation, Knee surgery
Hip pain, Knee pain, Hip replacement surgery, Ingrown toenail surgery, Joint manipulation treatment, Joint pain treatment (joint injections), Knee arthroscopy surgery, Knee replacement, Knee cartilage surgery, Menisectomy, Meniscal tear, Osteoarthritis
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Mr Morapudi has completed his basic medical training in India at the prestigious institute, Christian Medical College, Vellore. Following the completion of one year rotating internship, he has worked in a rural mission hospital for a period of three years, and subsequently in a cardiac ICU.
After arriving in the UK, he has trained in the field of Trauma & Orthopaedic surgery in the north-west region. Having completed his specialist exam - FRCS in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, he has enhanced his skills by completing two fellowships in Melbourne. These fellowships were in the Alfred Hospital and Monash Health, over a period of 18 months in complex hip & knee arthoplasty, sports injuries around the knee and complex trauma.
His special interests include osteotomy surgery for the young patients with knee arthritis, to realign the leg. He strongly believe that healthy life-style prevents most of the modern preventable diseases. He has been a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Macclesfield for three years performing high volume arthoplasty with consistently excellent results and feedback.
Research interests: Natural remedies for patients suffering with arthritis. Clinical outcomes in patients with metal-on-metal hip replacement.
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- Nicola Moss
- 01625505427